
On October 15, 2012, Estonian TV news reporter Neeme Raud visited the Hoover Institution Archives to learn more about the Estonian collections in the archives. A group of local and visiting Estonians accompanied him. They were given a presentation by archival specialist David Jacobs that highlighted some of the HIA's important documents pertaining to Estonian history, including photographs of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in 1939 that led to the Soviet annexation of the Baltic States one year later.

The presentation also featured materials from the collection of Kaarel Pusta, who served as Estonian foreign minister in the 1920s, when Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were all independent states.

In the interview that followed the presentation, Mr. Raud learned about the continuing efforts of the archives to collect materials on Estonia, and how recently digital files of records from the Estonian branch of the Soviet KGB have been made available to researchers using the archives.

Click here to watch the interview. (The beginning of the report is in Estonian, but it switches to English when the interview starts.)

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