
By Paige Minister Davenport


There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but thanks to the Hoover Institution’s new website, Collected Works of Milton Friedman (, the public will be able to freely access hundreds of Milton Friedman’s articles, lectures, and other works from anywhere in the world.


This new online resource features over 1,400 digital items by and about the Nobel Laureate and Hoover fellow, including every episode of the PBS series Free to Choose, 206 episodes of Friedman’s weekly Economics Cassette Series, sound and video recordings of the lecture series Milton Friedman Speaks, and hundreds of Friedman’s op-eds published in Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal. From the homepage, users can explore this vast collection of text, audio, video, and images by browsing curated themes, publication types, and item formats; by entering search terms in the site’s quicksearch bar; or by using the advanced search feature to create a more complex search.


The majority of the items included in the Collected Works were compiled and edited by Deputy Director Emeritus of the Hoover Institution Charles Palm and former Hoover National Fellow Robert Leeson. In addition, the website also features digitized materials from Hoover Archives collections, as well as links to content hosted on other websites, making the Collected Works of Milton Friedman the largest collection of Friedman’s work available on the internet. By providing convenient and comprehensive access to these resources, the Hoover Institution allows for the continued study and appreciation of the work and life of Milton Friedman. As Friedman stated in his book The Power of Choice, “The true test of any scholar’s work is not what his contemporaries say, but what happens to his work in the next twenty-five or fifty years.”

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