


As part of the Hoover Institution’s Initiative on Regulation and the Rule of Law, this conference, hosted by Allan Meltzer and Ken Scott, examines the critical issues for a government, founded on the separation of powers, to operate in an effective and legal manner, drawing from recent examples of the expansion of presidential executive authority to make law.

Allan Meltzer, Hoover Institution and Carnegie Mellon University
Ken Scott, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

Time Content Presenters Discussant

8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast

Allan Meltzer, Hoover Institution and Carnegie Mellon University


9:00 AM

Prosecuting Beyond the Rule of Law: Corporate Mandates Imposed Through Pretrial Diversion Agreements

Jennifer Arlen, New York University

Daniel Richman, Columbia University

10:30 AM




10:45 AM

Can the Administrative State Be Tamed?

Christopher DeMuth Sr., Hudson Institute

Michael McConnell, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

12:15 PM


Michael McConnell, Hoover Institution and Stanford University


1:15 PM

Waiving Rules of Law

Zachary Price, UC Hastings College of Law

Michael Asimow, Stanford University

2:45 PM




3:00 PM

The Role of Guidance in Modern Administrative Procedure

Richard Epstein, Hoover Institution and New York University

David Freeman Engstrom, Stanford University

4:30 PM

Closing Remarks

Allan Meltzer, Hoover Institution and Carnegie Mellon University


4:45 PM




6:00 PM

Reception and Dinner at the Sheraton Hotel

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Time Content Presenter Discussant

8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast

Michael Boskin, Hoover Institution and Stanford University


9:00 AM

Executive Discretion and the Rule of Law: A Positive Analysis of Presidential Signing Statements

Barry Weingast, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

Nate Persily, Stanford University

10:30 AM




10:40 AM

Concluding Panel on Issues about Regulation and the Rule of Law

Michael Rappaport, University of San Diego
Ed Rubin, Vanderbilt University
John Yoo, University of California, Berkeley


11:50 AM

Closing Remarks

Allan Meltzer, Hoover Institution and Carnegie Mellon University


12:00 PM

Adjourn, Luncheon



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