

The Hoover Institution and Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) hosted "Ending Too Big To Fail: Reform and Implementation" on Friday, January 22, 2016 from 10:00am - 12:00pm. The event was livestreamed and can be viewed below.

The event coincided with the release of Hoover Institution’s newest book, “Making Failure Feasible: How Bankruptcy Reform Can End Too Big To Fail,” and is a follow up to BPC’s paper “Too Big to Fail: The Path to a Solution,” which examines the failure resolution provisions in the Dodd-Frank Act.

A panel of experts discussed questions such as: Will new capital requirements prevent short-term liquidity shortage and widespread panic in the financial markets? What changes to the Bankruptcy Code are necessary to ensure financial distress is contained? Do the FDIC’s proposals for orderly liquidation increase the certainty of a successful resolution?


Sir Paul Tucker
Chair, Systemic Risk Council
John Taylor
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution

Wilson Ervin
Vice Chairman, Credit Suisse
Randall D. Guynn
Head of Financial Institutions Group, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
Co-chair, Failure Resolution Task Force, Bipartisan Policy Center
Emily C. Kapur
Member, Economic Policy Working Group, Hoover Institution

William F. Kroener, III
Senior Counsel, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Member, Economic Policy Working Group, Hoover Institution 

*Additional participants may be announced.

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