
The Hoover Institution hosted "Innovation and U.S. Defense Policy: A Secretary Of Defense Perspective" on Monday, September 19, 2016 from 1:00pm - 3:00pm. The event video is below.

In honor of the decades of collaboration between Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter and former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry, the Hoover Institution in Washington held a discussion on the current policy landscape as the Department of Defense attempts to employ the latest technological advances for the U.S. Armed Forces. Philip Taubman, former New York Times Washington Bureau Chief, moderated the conversation between Dr. Perry and Secretary Carter, concerning the current opportunities and challenges of a U.S. competitive advantage with armed technology.

The Hoover Institution in Washington is pleased to have hosted these two dedicated public servants both whom have served as Secretary of Defense, held fellowship appointments with Hoover, and are committed to teaching the next generation. We were honored to pay special tribute to their years of collaboration and service in defense of the United States. 

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