
On Wednesday, October 15, the Hoover Institution hosted member of Congress Paul Ryan for a conversation about his new book The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea.  The discussion was introduced by John Raisian, the Tad and Dianne Taube Director at the Hoover Institution, and moderated by John Taylor, the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics. 

In responding to Taylor’s questions, Ryan offered his views on the economic challenges facing the nation and identified specific policy solutions informed by both research and his experiences growing up in rural Wisconsin. Ryan asserted that policy proposals based on conservative principles can be compelling for a broader electorate than just for those who already support them.    

After the discussion, Ryan took questions from the audience. The book, has received glowing reviews in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, and US News and World Report.

The Way Forward is now available on Amazon.

From the intellectual leader of the Republican party, an unvarnished look into the state of the conservative movement today and a clear plan for what needs to be done to save the American Idea. The Way Forward challenges conventional thinking, outlines his political vision for 2014 and beyond, and shows how essential conservatism is for the future of our nation. Beginning with a careful analysis of the 2012 election--including a look at the challenge the GOP had in reaching a majority of voters and the prevalence of identity politics--Ryan examines the state of the Republican party and dissects its challenges going forward. The Way Forward also offers a detailed critique of not only President Obama but of the progressive movement as a whole--its genesis, its underlying beliefs and philosophies, and how its policies are steering the country to certain ruin. Culminating in a plan for the future, The Way Forward argues that the Republican Party is and must remain a conservative party, emphasizing conservatism in a way that demonstrates how it can modernize and appeal to both our deepest concerns and highest ideals.
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