John Cochrane
Immigration, Trade, and Child Care Immigration, Trade, and Child Care
Sep 21, 2024

Both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton want to lower the cost and, presumably, increase the amount of child care. A quick economics quiz: What is the policy change that would have the greatest such effect?

Victor Davis Hanson
Imagine There’s No Border
Sep 21, 2024

A world without boundaries is a fantasy.

John Cochrane
Bush v. Reagan on Immigration
Sep 21, 2024

In this era that the battles within parties are as important as those between them, we have to get out of the habit of tarring whole parties with the behaviors and attitudes of some people in them.

Victor Davis Hanson
The Classicist: “Multiculturalism And Immigration”
Sep 21, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson looks at how a declining respect for the rule of law and a rising tide of multiculturalism combine to exacerbate the problem of illegal immigration.

Immigration Policy: The Survey On The Treatment Of Refugees And Reducing Illegal Immigration
Sep 21, 2024

“We asked a panel of thirty-two immigration policy experts to assess two distinct immigration policy issues: the treatment of refugees and reducing illegal immigration. Notably, most respondents are independent scholars, but of those who are affiliated with a political party are split roughly 50-50 between Republican and Democrat.”

Edward Paul Lazear
Immigration that Works
Sep 21, 2024

How to mend a broken system.

Tim Kane
The Economic Effect Of Immigration
Sep 21, 2024

When immigration reform is done right, it will use the fact-based reality that immigrants of all skill levels are good for the native economy, including wages, jobs, and economic growth.

Timothy Kane
Immigration and Economic Growth from the Supply Side
Sep 21, 2024

Tim Kane, a research fellow, discusses immigration and economic policy in the United States.

Gary Becker and Ed Lazear
A Market Solution to Immigration Reform
Sep 21, 2024

The U.S. needs more people with skills and vision. To get them, it should sell the right to become a citizen.

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