
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation and the CIS Statistics Service, courtesy of Stanford University Libraries
The Government of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
The Budget System of the Russian Federation
Economic Expert Group at the Russian Ministry of Finance
Russian Stock Exchange
Russian national and regional database
Russian Business Consulting - a source for news and data
Interfax Russia and CIS Statistics Weekly
Russian financial update
Russian financial markets and news wire
Russian economic news wire



World Bank on Russia
World Bank, Russian Economic Report
World Bank data on Russia
World Bank, Beyond Transition Newsletter
The IMF on Russia
The IMF data on Russia, 2003
The IMF, Finance and Development
EBRD on Russia
UNICEF on Russia
OECD on Russia
OECD, Economic Survey of the Russian Federation
International Energy Agency on Russia
U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration on Russia
The Library of Congress, Country Studies
The Wilson Center, Kennan Institute
Bank of Finland, Institute for Economies in Transition
Statistics Finland: Russia and Baltics Database
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Russian and Eurasian Program and China Program
Standard & Poor’s Data Services: Emerging Markets Database
McKinsey Global Institute
BP, Statistical Review on World Energy
Euromonitor on Russia on Russia on Russia (based on the IMF World Economic Outlook)
London School of Economics, Centre for Economic Performance
Harvard Business School, Baker Library databases
Penn World Table Version 6.2
Penn World Table Version 5.6
The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan
Internet resources on Russia



The Flat Tax, by Alvin Rabushka

More on Russia


The Russian Economy


The Russian Economy

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