

The collections concentrate on Italy in the first half of the twentieth century. Some relate to Italy's role in World War I; many more pertain to World War II, particularly Allied military operations in Italy during the last phases of the war. The World War II collections also include materials on the Italian partisan movement that fought against Mussolini and the German forces’ occupying northern Italy.

Robert H. Adleman Papers

US journalist and author

Franco Bandini Papers

Italian journalist and author

Ginetta Sagan Papers

US human rights advocate

Alfred Connor Bowman Papers

Senior civil affairs officer, Venezia Giulia, 1945–47

Constantine M. Panunzio Papers

Italian American sociologist

Gino Charles Speranza Papers

US military and political attaché in Italy

Fred L. Walker Papers

Major general, US Army

Additional Guides

Duignan, Peter, ed. The Library of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1985.

Palm, Charles, and Dale Reed. Guide to the Hoover Institution Archives. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1980.


Date (field_news_date)
Libya: Italian Colonial Postcards from the 1920s to the 1940s

The Hoover Institution Archives recently acquired several dozen vintage postcards depicting battle scenes, regimental colors, and other illustrations of military life related to the Italian colonization of the region that later became known as Libya, beginning in the aftermath of World War I and continuing until Italian forces were driven out of North Africa by the Allies during World War II.

March 25, 2011
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