Librarians at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives catalog hundreds of materials on a monthly basis. Here is a curated list of newly cataloged items. To view more information and to request access to these materials, follow the links below to SearchWorks, the Stanford University Libraries online catalog. 

Cover of W obliczu Zagłady

Editor: Piotr Długołęcki
Title: W obliczu Zagłady: Rząd RP na uchodźstwie wobec Żydów 1939-1945
Published by: Warsaw, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2021

This 1,119-page volume compiles many previously unpublished reports, speeches, memos, cables, correspondence, statements, and other documents related to the activities of the Polish Government-in-Exile (Rzeczpospolita Polska), the Polish diplomatic and consular service, the relief agencies of the Ministry of Labor and the Social Welfare (Ministerstwa Pracy i Opieki Społecznej), the Polish Red Cross (Polski Czerwony Krzyz)̇, and various government agencies and officials during World War II. These documents illustrate the Polish Government-in-Exile’s relief and rescue efforts to help Jews during the war. The Hoover Institution Library & Archives also acquired the recently published English translation, Confronting the Holocaust: documents on the Polish Government-in-Exile's policy concerning Jews 1939-1945.


Front page of Studentski zbor with Angela Davis

Title: Studentski zbor [Студентски збор]
Published: Skopje, UO na Sojuzot na studentite, 1954-2004/05
Part of: Yugoslavia newspaper collection (OAC; SearchWorks)

Studentski zbor was a publication of the Students organization of the University of Skopje (Northern Macedonia). Pictured is the cover page from January 11, 1971. In this issue, students from the Unversity of Skopje (then Yugoslavia) joined the international campaign for the liberation of Angela Davis. The issue includes a text of the petition for Davis’ liberation, written by Hungarian Marxist philosopher György Lukács. This title is part of the Yugoslavia newspaper collection (1903-2001), which comprises one-hundred and twenty-seven different titles of publication in Serbian, Croatian, (Serbo-Croatian), Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian, Hungarian, Romanian, English, French, Italian, and Slovak. All titles within this collection have catalog records in SearchWorks and WorldCat. 


Ukraïna - pictorial color map of Europe with Ukraine in the center

Title: Ukraïna [Україна]
Published: Vienna, Po svitu Kyïv, 1920

This pictorial color map of Europe, with Ukraine in the center, also features portraits, illustrations, charts, and statistical tables related to population, production, and natural resources. There is extensive text regarding the Ukrainian language and history in both Ukrainian and German.



A Memory Reclaimed, A Commission Fulfilled. Author Marinel Mandres

Author: Marinel Mandres
Title: A memory reclaimed, a commission fulfilled : Serbs and Romanians during Canada's first national internment operations of 1914-1920
Published: Kingston (Ontario), Kashtan Press, [2022]

Marinel Mendres examines Canada's internment of Canadian immigrants of Serbian and Romanian ethnic backgrounds, 1914-1920. During World War I, Canada's War Measures Act declared immigrants who were born in Austria-Hungary, Germany, or Ottoman Empire to be ”enemy aliens”. This decision also affected Serbs, Montenegrins, and Romanians who were born in one of these enemy countries, by also marking them as enemy aliens; the War Measures Act did not require their compatriots who were born in Serbia, Romania, or Montenegro to register as enemy aliens because those countries were observed as allied countries. The publication explains the consequences of this act and the experiences of Serbian and Romanian immigrants in Canadian internment camps. 


Cover of Dokyumento Enomoto Takeaki

Author: Akioka Nobuhiko (秋岡伸彦著)
Title:  Dokyumento Enomoto Takeaki [ドキュメント榎本武揚]
Published: Tokyo, Tokyo nogyo daigaku shuppankai, 2003

This biography of Enomoto Takeaki (榎本武揚) is part of our local series, the Hoover Japanese Diaspora Collection, and is a separation from the Sakata Yasao papers. Enomoto (1836-1908) was a Japanese statesman, samurai, and officer in the Imperial Japanese Navy. 


To view additional materials that have been newly cataloged at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives, go to SearchWorks. For access, please plan a research visit. Reservations are required. For questions regarding access or for more information about the Library & Archives’ holdings, please contact our Research Services team. 

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