
On April 7, a delegation from Peking University, led by university president Qifeng Zhou, toured the Hoover Institution and viewed its archival collections. Richard Sousa, director of the Hoover Library and Archives, hosted the visit.

From Hoover’s vast holdings on China, the delegation examined, among other material, artifacts on Herbert Hoover's time in China, selections from noted Chinese diplomat T. V. Soong’s papers, Chinese Communist Party documents from the 1930s, and portions of  Chiang Kai-shek’s diaries.

In addition to President Zhou, the delegation included Yansong Li, director, Office of International Relations; Manli Zhou, deputy director, Office of International Relations; Ya Deng, secretary-general, Peking University Educational Foundation (PKUEF); and Zheng Xu, deputy secretary-general, PKUEF.

Hoover’s holdings on China date back to the Institution’s founding in 1919. In addition to Chinese-language holdings from the mainland and Taiwan, the collection includes materials from well-known Americans engaged in the China theater in World War II, including Generals Albert Wedemeyer, Joseph Stilwell, and Claire Chennault.

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