
Area 45 is a Hoover Institution podcast devoted to the Trump administration and the policy avenues available to America’s forty-fifth president. It is hosted by Hoover fellow, Bill Whalen.

Just as area 45 is a medical term for a frontal portion of the human brain, Bill and his guests take a cerebral approach to governing in this toxic political climate. There will be no rancor, no partisanship, just Hoover fellows’ keen insights on such thorny matters as taxation and economic growth, health care reform, national security, government entitlements, and improving schools.

Check out the most recent episodes:

August 31, 2018
George Shultz – Learning From Experience
A conversation with George Shultz about his lifelong passion for public service and his current policy pursuits.



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August 29, 2018
Covering John McCain With Jeff Barker
Jeff Barker, a Baltimore Sun reporter who covered Senator John McCain from 1991-2000, talks about what he learned about Senator McCain in the years leading up to the “Straight Talk Express.”



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August 27, 2018
The Kavanaugh Hearings With Michael McConnell
Examining the confirmation process and the immediate impact Kavanaugh will have on the High Court.



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August 10, 2018
The Hoovers— A Family Tradition Of Leadership And Public Service
Herbert Hoover’s Journey from a Two-Room cottage in Iowa to the World Stage.



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August 6, 2018
What Survey Data Indicates About The Parties’ Chances This Fall
Wave Hello or Goodbye?



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July 31, 2018
Taxes, GDP Growth, And The Trump Economy
John Cochrane on the good and the bad of “Trumponomics.”



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July 25, 2018
The Enigmatic Russian President
From Russia . . . With Love?



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July 11, 2018
The Supreme Court and Judge Brett Kavanaugh
What is the significance of appointing a textualist and originalist to the Supreme Court? What are the odds that Congress will approve Judge Kavanaugh?



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June 27, 2018
Tom Gilligan On Ideas Defining A Free Society
The quintessential economic and political conditions for freedom to flourish.



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June 19, 2018
A Blue Wave In The November 2018 Election?
What are the most important factors in the odds of the House flipping for a third time in a little over a decade?



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June 13, 2018
The 2018 Summit Featuring President Trump And Kim Jong-Un
The summit in Singapore was, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, not the end of isolation. But it is, perhaps, the beginning of a new relationship with North Korea, the US, and the world.



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June 4, 2018
The US Navy – Ready for Anything
What all’s involved in training today’s warriors for combat? CDR Michael Nordeen, a Hoover Institution National Security Affairs fellow and decorated naval aviator, discusses the tools and technology necessary to keep the US Navy at a state of readiness. With the filming of the “Top Gun” sequel underway, he also speculates on the career path of Lt. Pete Mitchell (aka, Tom Cruise) and the automation and human skills needed to pilot an F-18 jet.


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May 30, 2018
Anticipating Global Insecurity With Amy Zegart
In a world complicated by terrorism, cyber threats and political instability, the private sector has to prepare for the unexpected. Amy Zegart, the Hoover Institution’s Davies Family Senior Fellow and co-author (along with Condoleezza Rice) of Political Risk: How Businesses And Organizations Can Anticipate Global Insecurity, explains lessons learned in keeping cargo planes moving, hotel guests protected – and possibly coffee customers better served.  


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May 25, 2018
The 2018 Election – A Second Quarter Update
In basketball parlance, the fourth and decisive quarter of this year’s election doesn’t commence until after Labor Day. But that doesn’t mean important trends haven’t developed. Hoover senior fellow and renowned pollster Doug Rivers explains what current survey data suggests about the political fortunes of President Trump, Republicans and Democrats.


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May 10, 2018
Iran Nuclear Deal – The Aftermath Of Withdrawing
Now that President Trump has made good on a major campaign promise – pulling the U.S. out of the JCPOA Iran nuclear deal – the debate has begun whether it was the right move. Abbas Milani, a Hoover research fellow and the Hamid and Christina Moghadam Director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University, offers his opinion and explains how the change affects both the politics of Iran and the Middle East region.  


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May 3, 2018
Unleashing The Economy With John Cochrane
Four of the Dow Jones’ greatest single-day swings occurred in a one-week stretch in February. Was it an aberration, or the new normal in the Trump economy? John Cochrane, the Hoover Institution’s Jack and Rose-Marie Anderson Senior Fellow and author of the Grumpy Economist blog, assesses the health of the financial markets and other economic bellwethers worth watching.


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