Fellowship Opportunities
The Hoover Institution provides a wide range of opportunities for students, policy makers on Capitol Hill and in the executive branch, military veterans, and media professionals to take a sabbatical from their daily work duties, engage with the Hoover fellowship and scholars across the broader Stanford community, and broaden their perspectives on policy issues including international relations, economics, cyber security, health care, the environment, and more.
Fellowship Programs

Hoover Fellows Program
The Hoover Institution at Stanford University seeks outstanding scholars for positions as a Hoover Fellow. The term of the appointment is five years and may be renewed. The position is located at the Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA.

Research Fellowship in State and Local Economic Policy
The Hoover Institution’s State and Local Governance Initiative, based at Stanford University, is seeking highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Fellows to join our team focused on state and local economic policy. Our team of economists studies a wide range of policy topics, including public finance and pensions, taxation and economic development, workforce training, homelessness, and electricity markets. We are currently hiring Postdoctoral Research Fellows in each of these policy areas. The anticipated starting date is summer of 2024, but exceptional candidates will be considered for earlier start dates.

Research & Teaching Fellowship for Hoover History Lab
Scholars will be associated with the Hoover History Lab’s project “Global Futures – History, Statecraft, System,” encompassing a history of the world from the 18th century to the present. Topics include but are not limited to the 18th century civic revolution, especially in the United States; the invention of the fiscal military state in the U.K. and elsewhere; the advent of a global economy; the eruption of modern populist politics in the guise of Napoleon III and the welfare state under Otto von Bismarck; technological disruption; the fall and rise of China; fossil fuels and the global energy system; global communications; world wars and regional wars; international relations; the GATT and the WTO; the EU, ASEAN, and the GCC; institutions and the challenges of governance in democracies and authoritarian regimes.

The Bochnowski Family Veteran Fellowship Program
The Bochnowski Family Veteran Fellowship Program is a year-long nonresidential program for ten annual military veterans currently enjoying successful careers in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. The program aims to address critical challenges to public policy in these veterans’ communities with actionable solutions.

The Campbell Visiting Fellows Program
The Hoover Institution has established a new two-week visiting program, the Campbell Visiting Fellows program. The goal of the program is to bring a set of researchers as visitors who are all focused on research in one general topic area to be present at Hoover during a single two week period, exchanging ideas, interacting with each other, working collaboratively if they wish, and also interacting with other scholars in their field at Hoover at Stanford more broadly.

W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellows
The Hoover Institution Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellows Program allows outstanding scholars from colleges, universities, and institutions around the world to be freed from academic and professional responsibilities to devote one year to unrestricted, creative research and publication.

The McDonald Student Fellowship Program
The McDonald Student Fellowship Program is a three-semester program that offers Stanford undergraduates an opportunity to participate in academically enriching work at the Hoover Institution across key research and organizational areas.

Media Fellowships
A bedrock of the Hoover Institution’s relationships with the news media is the William C. and Barbara Edward Media Fellows program, which grants journalists the opportunity to achieve a deeper understanding of the policy issues on which they report.

Congressional Fellowship Program
Through the Congressional Fellowship Program, the Hoover Institution convenes a group of congressional staffers twice per year at the Hoover facilities at Stanford University. Educational seminars led by fellows explore both the philosophical foundations of America’s founding principles as well as the mechanics of the policies themselves.

Silas Palmer Fellowship Program
The Hoover Institution Library & Archives sponsors the Silas Palmer Fellowship and Research Grant Program, offering US undergraduate and graduate students $5,000 so that they can conduct research utilizing the Library & Archives’ vast collections of primary source materials.

Scholar Research Support
The Hoover Institution Library & Archives Scholar Research Support grant provides an award of up to $10,000 to support research based on our collections. Grant recipients are expected to spend a minimum of ten days at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives directly accessing collection materials in the reading room, and complete their research and post-visit summary report within one year of being accepted into the cohort.

Economic Fellowship Program
In the Economic Fellowship Program, Capitol Hill and executive branch officials are invited to six sessions over a four-month period in which fellows give presentations about the foundations of economic freedom, including the rule of law, separation of powers, property rights, free trade, patent protections, and limited government.