Capital Conversations
Hoover’s Capital Conversations series brings together Hoover Institution fellows and leading policy makers for informed discussions between those who generate ideas enabling a free society and those who turn them into actionable policy. The series examines the major policy challenges facing the United States and world today, as well as those that may confront future generations. The topics reflect the values of the Hoover Institution -- individual, economic, and political freedom; private enterprise; and representative government.

Capitol Hill Briefings
The Hoover Institution recognizes the work that Congressional staff do as essential to American freedom and prosperity. In an effort to bring Hoover’s unique scholarship to policy-makers in Washington, the Hoover Institution’s Washington, D.C. office hosts a series of Capitol Hill Briefings. These events feature a presentation by a Hoover scholar to a bi-partisan group of congressional staff on how their work is relevant to congressional work, and also includes a time for questions and answers from the staffers.

National Security & Technology Congressional Briefing Series
Technology has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives from the way we work to the way we fight wars. The National Security & Technology Congressional Speaker Series seeks to educate Congressional staff on the latest technologies and the way they impact U.S. national security. A regular briefing seres where a Hoover fellow will give a presentation on and answer questions on a specific example of technology impacting national security from understanding the basics of blockchain to the nuanced effect drones have in international conflict.

American Exceptionalism in a New Era
Based on the collection of essays edited by Hoover Institution's Director, Thomas W. Gilligan, the American Exceptionalism in a New Era Capitol Hill Briefing Series discusses America's rapid journey from rebellious upstart to global economic powerhouse, as well as a range of current threats to the values that fueled that unprecedented growth. Hoover scholars who authored chapters in the book discuss their research and field questions from congressional staff.