Hoover Institution Distinguished Undergraduate Essay Competition | Essay Submission

The Hoover Institution is sponsoring an annual competition for distinguished essays written by undergraduates as part of their coursework at Stanford University. Essay submissions are expected to come from different disciplines and address a widely varying topics that evince a concern with the values and institutions of liberty, including the impact of policies on human freedom.

Essays may be submitted online at any time during the academic year prior to the deadline of May 1, 2022. Essays must have been written within the previous 12 months (can include current spring quarter). A committee of Hoover fellows will select the winning essays in these categories with the corresponding cash award.

  1. Best essay written by a first-year student
  2. Honorable mentions by first-year students
  3. Best essay written by a sophomore, junior, or senior
  4. Honorable mentions by sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Timeline: Essay submission deadline: May 1, 2022 (11:59 pm PT)

Award Recognition Reception: First week of June (date TBD)

Year at Stanford University
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Upload must be a Word document (word count of 4,000-7500 words including notes and bibliography). Essays may be written in any style format (Modern Language Association/MLA, American Psychological Association/APA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.)
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
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