
Finding aids to the collections described below are now available through the Online Archive of California.

Hardin Blair Jones papers, 1949–76
Student radicalism, primarily at the University of California at Berkeley, is the focus of these papers. Jones was assistant director at the Donner Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1948 to 1975. His papers contain correspondence, writings, and printed matter.

Iraq Memory Foundation issuances, 2003–8
These video recordings and brochures relate to political conditions and human rights violations in Iraq under the Ba'th Party's regime. They were created by the Iraq Memory Foundation, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to documenting Iraqi history under the Ba'th Party's regime.

Hiẓb al-Ba'th al-'Arabī al-Ishtirākī records, 1968–2003
These records of the Ba'th Arab Socialist Party of Iraq, which were collected by the Iraq Memory Foundation, relate to political conditions in, and governance of, Iraq. They include digital copies of membership and personnel files, judicial and investigatory dossiers, administrative files, and school registers, as well as video recordings.

Sidney D. Drell miscellaneous papers, 1966–2000
This collection contains speeches, writings, correspondence, and printed matter relating to the dissident Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov and efforts on his behalf by Western scientists. Drell, an American physicist, chaired the International Conference in Honor of Andrei Sakharov in 1981. The collection also contains letters and writings by Sakharov.

Eastern European Oral History Project interviews, 1999–2001
These interviews of Polish, Romanian, other Eastern European political leaders and figures, and Western experts on Eastern Europe relate to political conditions in Poland, Romania, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. The collection consists of sound recordings, partial transcripts, and related material. Hoover Institution staff members conducted many of the interviews.

Eleanor Bisbee papers, 1891–1958
A professor at American University in Istanbul, Bisbee wrote The New Turks: Pioneers of the Republic, 1920–1950 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1951). Her papers contain correspondence, writings, printed matter, and photographs relating to the history of the government of Turkey in the twentieth century, US-Turkish relations, and her book. Translations of writings by Resat Güntekin, Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar, Yakup Karaosmanoglu, Ahmet Emin Yalman, and the Milli Partisi and a 1922 interview of Kemal Atatürk are also included.

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