Fourteen thousand pages have been added to the Estonian KGB digital collection at Hoover representing sixty-one folders of documents of the KGB Intelligence Service pertaining to Estonian refugees.
Some of the files of the additional fond, ERAF 138.SM, contain information about the situation in Estonia during 1924–40 collected by Soviet foreign intelligence concerning the economic and political situation, the military and police, intelligence and counterintelligence, Russian refugees in Estonia, and more. They also show exchanges of information between Soviet political and military intelligence services.
The second and smaller part of the files contains information from after World War II through the 1960s about Estonian refugees in Germany. Researchers will also find materials on conditions of and strategic plans for operational work, reports from agents, overview of refugee organizations, and more.
The finding aid to the new fond can be found on the Online Archive of California at http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8ft8jdv/dsc/#ref20. To further enhance access, the digitized files are full-text searchable, although the accuracy of the computer-generated transcriptions has not been verified.
Digital copies of the new documents join the thousands of Estonian KGB files already available on computer stations in the Hoover Archives reading room.