Tammy Frisby, a Hoover research fellow, and Thad Kousser, a W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellow at the Hoover Institution, participated in a conference titled “Getting to Reform: Avenues to Constitutional Change in California” on October 14 in Sacramento. In the panel session “What do Californians Think about Reform?” Frisby and others reviewed the results of polls by Field Poll and Polimetrix and held a roundtable discussion of public opinion on reform. (Frisby’s comments begin at the 31:30 mark) Kousser was the panel’s moderator.

The conference focused on the best path toward reforming California’s constitution. The daylong conference included discussions concerning the advantages and drawbacks of various paths to reform: individual amendments, a constitutional revision commission, or a constitutional convention. In addition, California’s past experience of reform, the experiences of other states, the legal and political obstacles to reform, and the next steps necessary for concrete achievements were examined.

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