
A recent media roundtable at the Hoover Institution featured discussions between journalists and Hoover scholars on US foreign policy toward China and other national security issues.

The April 29 event drew a half dozen Hoover national-security experts and more than two dozen members of the national media from a variety of print and broadcast outlets, including Fox News, NBC, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, the Washington Post, NBC News, National Review, Commentary magazine, Bloomberg, the Washington Free Beacon, and Politico, among others.

The discussion, “Outside the Beltway,” focused on the national security and economic aspects of an ascendant China, the US foreign policy landscape, Russia, drones and the future of warfare. The Hoover speakers included Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Larry Diamond, Michael McFaul, H. R. McMaster, Condoleezza Rice, Kevin Warsh, and Amy Zegart.

Media roundtables help Hoover’s public affairs team maintain a competitive advantage in placing Hoover fellows in top-tier media outlets. The program offers journalists and producers a daylong seminar led by Hoover fellows, introducing them to the latest research and expert opinions on current events and policy challenges. It also helps Hoover fellows strengthen their connections to journalists as an ongoing resource for information on evolving news issues.

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Media Contacts

Clifton B. Parker, Hoover Institution: 650-498-5204,

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