Hoover senior fellow Rauh launches online course on retirement financing

On Thursday, November 7, Hoover senior fellow and Stanford’s Graduate School of Business professor Joshua Rauh will moderate a free 45-minute webinar with three distinguished guests: William F. Sharpe, the STANCO 25 Professor Emeritus of Finance and a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences; John Ameriks, the principal and head of Active Equity Vanguard Equity Investment Group; and John Cuniff, a managing director and portfolio manager at TIAA-CREF Lifecycle and Lifestyle Funds. The panel will analyze investment strategies for individuals engaging in long-term financial planning, considering factors such as age, employment prospects, health, and other expenditure needs, and then answer questions asked via Twitter (use the #rauhfinance hashtag). The webinar is part of Rauh’s online course The Finance of Retirement Pensions, which covers retirement savings and investment strategies to maximize your assets.

Click here at 4 pm PST on November 7 to watch the webinar or to learn more. If this webinar leaves you wanting to learn more, there is still time to sign up for Rauh's online course.

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