The collision of the U.S. Navy surveillance plane with the Chinese fighter heightens already strained U.S.-China relations. What route should the Bush Administration follow? What does this mean for Taiwan¹s future?

Abraham Sofaer is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is an expert on international conflict and international law.

Abraham D. Sofaer served as legal adviser to the U.S. Department of State from 1985 to 1990. He has also concentrated on issues related to international law, terrorism, diplomacy, national security and water resources.

Sofaer was appointed U.S. district judge in the Southern District of New York, where he served from 1979 to 1985. He has also been a professor of law at Columbia University School of Law.

Charles Hill is a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is an expert in the area of China.

Hill served as the Assistant Secretary-General and Special Consultant in Policy to the Secretary General of the United Nations and also as Career Minister, Foreign Service of the United States.

Hill spent one third of his Foreign Service career dealing with China and Asia, serving as Chinese-language officer in Taichubg, Taiwan and a political officer in Hong Kong. He was mission coordinator at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon and was China cultural exchange negotiator in 1973.

Hill was Chief of Staff for the Department of State (1983–1985) and Executive aide to Secretary of State George Shultz (1985–1989). He is also diplomat in residence and lecturer at Yale University.

For Interviews Contact:

Sabrina Savodnik (202) 380–0608
Michele Horaney (650) 725–7293

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