Who: David R. Henderson is a research fellow with the Hoover Institution. He is the editor of The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics (Warner Books, 1993, writes frequently for the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, and is a monthly columnist with The Red Herring, an information technology magazine.

Henderson was senior economist for energy and health policy with the President's Council of Economic Advisers from 1982 to 1984.

Dr. Henderson has written for the New York Times, Barron's, Fortune, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Public Interest, National Review, and Reason. He has also written scholarly articles for the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the Journal of Monetary Economics, Cato Journal, Regulation, Contemporary Policy Issues, and Energy Journal. He has testified before the House Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources. He has also appeared on C-SPAN, CNN, and regional talk shows.

What: Available to discuss:

  • What are the implications of legislation pending in the House allowing patients to sue their HMOs in certain cases?
  • Is the GOP Senate bill funneling money from tobacco taxes to prescription drug programs necessary?
  • Will the $792 billion tax cut Congress is expected to send President seriously impact Medicare as the White House claims, or is it merely scare tactics?

Visit the Hoover Institution Web Site at www-hoover.stanford.edu.



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