WHO: Michael Boskin is expert on economic growth, tax and budget theory and policy. Boskin served as the chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors (1989–1993), where he participated in the formulation of fiscal, trade and regulatory policy as well as interaction with the Federal Reserve. Currently Boskin is a member of the panel of advisers to the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, and the advisory board of the Congressional Budget Office.

John Cogan served as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to help prepare President Reagan’s last budget. Cogan is an expert in the areas of the U.S. Budget, fiscal policy, income distribution and the role of the congressional budget process and its impact on fiscal policy. Cogan is also an expert on Social Security and meaningful reform. He was a member of the Social Security Notch Commission and the National Academy of Science’s panel on poverty and family assistance.

John Taylor was a member of President Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers (1989–1991) and was senior economic adviser to Bob Dole during the 1996 presidential campaign. He served on the California Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers. Taylor is an expert on the causes of the business cycle, inflation, and monetary policy.

WHEN: Between now and Election Day.

WHERE: For television, from Stanford University via up-link or with notice can travel to San Francisco



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