Hoover Institution director John Raisian has announced the recipients of the annual postdoctoral W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellows Program for the 2004–2005 academic year.

Recognized as one of the preeminent fellowships in the United States, the program, now completing its 32nd year, provides scholars an opportunity to spend one year at the Hoover Institution conducting independent research on current or historical public policy issues.

The national fellows use the release time from teaching to advance their professional careers by completing an original and significant research project at the Hoover Institution. The National Fellows Program has awarded nearly 400 fellowships to outstanding scholars from universities across the United States and Canada.

The program is administered by Hoover deputy director David Brady, serving as the program's executive secretary, assisted by Joy Taylor.

The 2004–2005 fellows, academic affiliations and topics are:

Professor Patrick Chamorel
Department of Government, Claremont McKenna College
"The New Visions and Politics of European Integration in the United States"

Professor Steven F. Hayward
American Enterprise Institute
"The Age of Reagan (vol. 2): The Lion at the Gate, 1980–1989"

Professor Xiaobo Hu
Political Science Department, Clemson University
"How China's Property Rights Have Been Privatized: Can China Establish a Productive Market Economy?"

Professor F. Scott Kieff
School of Law, Washington University in St. Louis
"The Law and Economics of Patents"

Professor Gary Libecap
School of Law and Department of Economics, University of Arizona
"Transaction Costs and Institutional Change: An Analysis of Western Water Law and Institutions Regarding Transfers from Agriculture to Urban and Environmental Uses"

Professor Emmanuel Saez
Department of Economics, UC Berkeley
"Income and Wealth Concentration in a Historical and International Perspective: The Role of Tax Policy"

Professor Sergei Severinov
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
"The Value and Benefits of Legal Representation"

Mr. J Alexander Thier
"Numerous Scattered Villages: Nation-Building in Afghanistan and Beyond"

Professor Amir Weiner
Department of History, Stanford University
"Wild West, Window to the West: Russia's Western Frontier, 1939 to present"

Susan Louise Dyer Peace Fellowship
Professor Page Fortna

Political Science Department, Columbia University
"Peacekeeping in Civil Wars: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment"

Also announced were the participants in the 2004–5 National Security Affairs Fellows Program.

The program offers representatives of the U.S. military and government agencies the opportunity to spend a year in intensive study at Hoover. Since the program began in 1969, more than 100 people have participated in it.

The program is also administered by Hoover deputy director David Brady, who serves as the program's executive secretary, assisted by Joy Taylor.

This year's participants are:

Mary Draper from the Department of State. Since joining the Department of State in 1986, Ms. Draper has served as a consular officer in a variety of overseas postings, including the Dominican Republic (1986–1988), Australia (1988–1990), Albania (1993–1995), Ireland (1995–1998) and Tunisia (1998–2000). She was most recently the head of the consular section in Jerusalem (2000–2004). While in Washington from 1990–1993, she served in the State Department Operations Center, the White House Situation Room, and the State Department Executive Secretariat. Her research will focus on the relationship between the State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security.

Lieutenant Colonel Tucker Mansager from the Department of the Army. He has served in numerous positions in infantry units in the United States, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Lt Col Mansager served as the Assistant Army Attaché in Warsaw, Poland, and most recently as the Political-Military Chief for Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, in Kabul. A 1985 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, with a concentration in Soviet Studies, he received his master's degree in Russian and East European Studies from Stanford in 1996. His research topic will focus on his recent experiences in Afghanistan.

Lieutenant Commander Scott Tait from the Department of the Navy. Scott is a Surface Warfare Officer (ship driver), with operational experience in the Pacific, Indian Ocean, Arabian Gulf / Red Sea, Mediterranean, and Atlantic. His operational tours include assignments in cruiser and destroyer platforms, and at the U.S. European Command Joint Analysis Center. His research at Hoover will focus on productive military, political, and economic engagement and influence strategies for US-China relations as China gains increasing power and influence in Asia.

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Wooton from the Department of the Air Force. He is a career intelligence officer with experience in the Pacific and Southwest Asia theaters. He most recently commanded the 25th Information Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Florida. His tenure included commanding the squadron during its deployment for Operation Iraqi Freedom. While at Hoover, his research will focus on the relationship of airpower and special operations in the war on terrorism.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel D. Yoo from the U. S. Marine Corps. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant following completion of Officer Candidate School in March 1985. As an infantry officer, he has commanded at the platoon, company, and battalion level in infantry and reconnaissance units. As a staff officer, he has served in operational and planning billets at the Marine Expeditionary Unit, Brigade, and Force levels. The topic of his research will be the impact of 21st Century Asymmetric Strategies on future DoD Transformation initiatives.

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