The Hoover Institution’s annual postdoctoral W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellows have been named for the 2007-08 academic year.

Since the program was established 35 years ago, more than 400 fellowships have been awarded. Fellows use the release time from teaching to advance their professional careers by completing an original, significant research project at the institution.

Hoover Deputy Director David Brady, assisted by Joy Kelley, administers the program. Some of the fellowships are endowed by Hoover Institution supporters as noted below. This year’s participants, their academic affiliations and research topics are:

Golfo Alexopoulos, History, University of South Florida, Tampa. Recipient of the William C. Bark National Fellowship. Research is titled Gulag: A Cultural History.

Jesus Almoguera, Ashurst Law Firm, CDDRL, SIEPR, The Rock Center for Corporate Governance. Research is titled Modernisation of EU Antitrust Law: the US Model; Actions for Damages for Breach of EU Antitrust Law.

Michael Altfeld, Strategic Forces Analyst, U.S. Army Staff (Ret.). Research is titled Lifting the Taboo: A Rational View of Nuclear Weapons.

Zoltan Barany, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin. Recipient of the Susan Louis Dyer Peace Fellowship. Research is titled Building Democratic Armies.

Jenna Bednar, Political Science, University of Michigan. Recipient of the Robert Eckles Swain National Fellowship. Research is titled Constituting a Federal Nation.

Eugenia Belova, Economics, University of Houston. Research is titled Funding Loyalty: Soviet State and Communist Party Finance.

Jennifer Burns, History, University of Virginia. Research is titled Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right.

Raj Chetty, Economics, UC Berkeley. Recipient of the Arch W. Shaw National Fellowship. Research is titled Efficiency Consequences of Redistributive Taxation and Social Insurance.

Dino Falaschetti, College of Law, Florida State University. Research is titled Market Discipline, Governance Regulation, and Economic Performance.

Christian Hacke, Political Science and Contemporary History, Bonn University. Research is titled German-American Relations.

Baogang He, School of International and Political Studies, Deakin University. Research is titled Facilitating Public Consultation in China through Deliberative Polling.

Valery Lazarev, School of Business, University of Houston – Clear Lake. Research is titled Funding Loyalty: Soviet State and Communist Party Finance.

Ross Levine, Economics, Brown University. Research is titled Big, Bad Banks?

Brian Lowery, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Research is titled The Effect of Election Outcomes On Political Identity.

Guido Menzio, Economics, University of Pennsylvania. Research is titled Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Unemployment Dynamics.

Gabriella Montinola, Political Science, University of California, Davis. Recipient of the Edward Teller National Fellowship. Research is titled When Does Foreign Aid Work?

Michele Tertilt, Economics, Stanford University. Research is titled Risky Sex and the Transmission of HIV/AIDS.

Julie Won, Political Science, Stanford University. Research is titled Legislator Career Paths: A Comparison of Seniority and Expertise in the European Parliament and the US Congress.

Lei Zhang, Economics, Clemson University. Recipient of the John Stauffer National Fellowship in Public Policy. Research is titled Impact of Welfare Reform on Academic Achievement of Children and Adolescents in Low-Income Families.

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