The Hoover Institution’s annual postdoctoral W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellows have been named for the 2008–9 academic year.

Since the program was established in 1971, more than 450 fellowships have been awarded. Fellows use their time away from teaching to enhance their professional careers by completing an original, significant research project at the Institution.

Hoover deputy director David Brady, assisted by Joy Kelley, administers the program. Some fellowships are endowed by Hoover Institution supporters, as noted below. This year’s participants, academic affiliations, and research topics are

Stefania Albanesi
Department of Economics, Columbia University
Albanesi will work on “Households, Policy and Macroeconomic Aggregates: Positive and Normative Perspectives” during her fellowship. Albanesi received the John Stauffer National Fellowship in Public Policy. Her residency dates are April 2009 through August 2009.  

Michael Altfeld
U.S. Army Staff (ret.)
Altfeld will  work on “Rethinking Nuclear Weapons” during his nonresidential fellowship.

John Ciorciari
Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University
Ciorciari will work on “Indian and Japanese Alignment Responses to the Rise of China” and also participate in Hoover's Working Group on Global Markets and Economic Policy during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through June 2009.  

Enrico Colombatto
Department of Economics, University of Turin
Colombatto will work on “An Evolutionary Approach to the Moral Foundations of the Social Contract and Policy Making” during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through December  2008.  

Mvemba Dizolele
Dizolele is an independent journalist specializing in U.S. Africa policy. He holds an international master’s in business administration and a master’s in public policy from the University of Chicago. Dizolele will work on his book “Mobutu: The Rise and Fall of the Leopard King” during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through June 2009.  

Mark Harrison
Department of Economics, University of Warwick           
Harrison will work on “Dictatorship and Secrecy” during his fellowship. His residency dates are April 2009 through June 2009.  

James Heinzen
Department of History, Rowan University
Heinzen will work on “Official Crime, Politics, and 'the Art of the Bribe' in the Postwar USSR” during his nonresidential fellowship. Heinzen received the William C. Bark National Fellowship.

Jonathan Herzog
Department of History, Stanford University
Herzog will work on “Cold War as Holy War” during his fellowship. His residency dates are April 2009 through June 2009.

Kimuli Kasara
Department of Political Science, Columbia University
Kasara will work on “Migration and Ethnicity in Kenya” during her fellowship. Her residency dates are September 2008 through June 2009.

Amichai Magen
Law School, Stanford University
Magen will  work on "National Security, The Rule of Law and Its Promotion Abroad" and a book project, "The Jewish Republic: Replacing Israel's Socialist Roots with a Market-Based Civic Society," during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through July 2009.  

Guido Menzio
Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Menzio will  work on “Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Unemployment Dynamics” during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through December 2008.  

Francisco Monaldi
International Center on Energy and the Environment, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración; Department of Economics, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
Monaldi will work on “The Political Economy of Expropriation and Contract Renegotiation in the Oil Industry: Latin America and Other Regions” during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through June 2009.  

Michael Ostrovsky
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Ostrovsky will work on “Mutual Fund Proxy Voting” during his fellowship. His residency dates are September 2008 through June 2009.

Norman Schofield
Department of Economics and Department of Political Science, Washington University
Schofield will work on “The Political Economy of Democracy and Autocracy” during his fellowship. His residency dates are May 2009 through June 2009.  

Joshua Teitelbaum
Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Tel Aviv University
Teitelbaum will work on “Tribe, State and Jihad: The Saudi Arabian National Guard and National Identity in Saudi Arabia” during his fellowship. His residency dates are April 2009 through June 2009.  

Todd Zywicki
School of Law, George Mason University
Zywicki will work on “Bankruptcy and Personal Responsibility: Consumer Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in the 21st Century” during his fellowship.  His residency dates are September  2008 through October 2008. Zywicki received the Arch W. Shaw National Fellowship.  


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