"The Asian Financial Crisis in Perspective" will be discussed in a Hoover Roundtable Discussion from 4 to 6 p.m., Thursday, February 19, 1998 at Stauffer Auditorium at the Hoover Institution.

The discussion is co-sponsored by the Center for International Studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

Moderated by Thomas Henriksen, Hoover Institution senior fellow and associate director, the discussion will feature presentations by Hoover Institution fellows, Stanford University professors and others including Hoover senior fellows Henry Rowen, Gerald Meier, and Peter Duus, all experts on international financial and economic affairs; Chung-in Moon, professor of political science, Yonsei University; Duck-soo Lee, Korean international financial consultant, and Stephen Parker, expert on Indonesia with the Asia Foundation in San Francisco.

Presentations will provide insights into the causes of the current crisis, implications for countries involved, and possible cures. The discussion will conclude with a question and answer session. A reception will follow.

RSVPs are required and may be made by contacting John Holzwarth at 650/725-3518, FAX: 650/725-5677 or email holzwarth@hoover.stanford.edu .


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