In the past nine months, severe stress in the financial markets has given rise to a host of unprecedented actions by the Federal Reserve, including the Bear Stearns intervention, new lending facilities for primary dealers, and the recent decision to authorize the Fed to lend to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

These developments raise pressing policy issues and important questions about the future of central banking policy.

On July 22, the Hoover Institution's Global Markets Working Group—in cooperation with the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford Law School—will host a policy workshop to address these critical issues.

Economic, legal, and financial experts will present and discuss research on key issues and consider alternative policy recommendations.

Interested viewers may watch a live broadcast of the workshop proceedings on the Internet between 10:30am and 4:30pm PST on July 22.

For further information on the workshop and links to background readings and the live webcast, visit

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