
Terry M. Moe is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a professor of political science at Stanford University. He is an expert on educational policy, U.S. political institutions, and organization theory. His current research projects are concerned with school choice, public bureaucracy, and the presidency.

Moe has written extensively on educational issues. His book (with John E. Chubb), Politics, Markets, and America's Schools, is among the most influential and controversial works on education to be published during the last decade, and has been a major force in the movement for school choice in America and abroad. He was also editor of Private Vouchers (Hoover Institution Press, 1995), the first book to be published on the growing movement among private-sector foundations to provide vouchers for low-income children.

In addition to his work on education, Moe has written extensively on public bureaucracy and the presidency, and is a leading figure in both fields.

What: Available to discuss:
  • Recent judgement of a federal judge in Ohio suspending the Cleveland school voucher program and leaving four thousand of children in limbo, then the reversal of that decision
  • GOP support of school choice and how it will factor into the 2000 Presidential campaign
  • Do school vouchers really open opportunity, or does it only benefit the affluent?


But should parents have a choice about which school their children go to?
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