Judge Abraham Sofaer, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and former Federal Judge is an expert on international conflict and international law. He is available for interviews.

A former federal judge, Abraham D. Sofaer is the George P. Shultz Distinguished Scholar and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. In 1985, then Secretary of State George Shultz asked Sofaer to become Legal Adviser to the U.S. Department of State, a position in which he served until 1990 under both Presidents Reagan and Bush. While at the State Department he served as principal negotiator on the dispute with Iraq over its attack on the USS Stark. In November of 1998 Judge Sofaer organized and co-chaired a Hoover Institution conference on biological and chemical weapons. Sofaer has been at the Hoover Institution since 1994.

Visit Abraham D. Sofaer's web site at www-hoover.stanford.edu/bios/sofaer.html or the Hoover Institution Web Site at www-hoover.stanford.edu.



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