If freedom is to be defended globally, then government leaders, politicians, journalists, and civil society activists must understand how China’s Communist party-state operates in the shadows to shape and control information flows, bully governments and corporations, infiltrate and corrupt political systems, and disrupt and debase civic institutions to make the world safe for autocracy.

The Hoover Institution’s project on China’s Global Sharp Power (CGSP) aims to advance these vital missions. Its research will track, document, and evaluate China’s sharp power activities at the sub-national, national and transnational levels. It will engage scholars and policy experts not only within the Hoover Institution and the broader Stanford University community, but from around the world. Through its research and global partnerships, the project will produce papers, lectures, conferences, workshops, publications, and web-accessible resources to educate opinion leaders and policymakers about the nature and scope of China’s sharp power operations, so that they can craft effective responses, tailored to their circumstances. As always, the first line of defense is knowledge.

Global Engagement: Rethinking Risk In The Research Enterprise
July 30, 2020

Neither the US government nor the universities and national laboratories in the US research enterprise are adequately managing the risks posed by research engagements with foreign entities. The task is quite simply falling through the cracks. Data with which to assess the performance of current frameworks for managing foreign engagement risk, to identify their defects, and to devise proportionate fixes is consequently in short supply. Dueling narratives have filled this evidentiary vacuum, pitting some who propose incremental adjustments against others who call for far-reaching change. Without a common set of facts to anchor the debate, consensus has proven elusive. This report offers a way forward.

Edited  by Glenn Tiffert

China's Influence & American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance

November 29, 2018

This report, written and endorsed by a group of this country’s leading China specialists and students of one-party systems is the result of more than a year of research and represents an attempt to document the extent of China’s expanding influence operations inside the United States. While there have been many excellent reports documenting specific examples of Chinese influence seeking,5 this effort attempts to come to grips with the issue as a whole and features an overview of the Chinese party-state United Front apparatus responsible for guiding overseas influence activities. It also includes individual sections on different sectors of American society that have been targeted by China. The appendices survey China’s quite diverse influence activities in other democratic countries around the world.

Edited by Larry Diamond and Orville Schell


The China Global Sharp Power Weekly Alert is a weekly newsletter that collects articles, reports and other media from across the world to illustrate the actions and behaviors of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The newsletter arose from the need to provide transparency to the citizens of liberal democracies of the scope and scale of China’s sharp power initiatives and the harms those activities cause to the Chinese people and the rest of the world. 

As Xi Jinping stressed to the Party’s leadership in late 2017, “Government, the military, society and schools, north, south, east and west – the party leads them all.”  This newsletter takes the Party’s role seriously and examines the impact on the world of the Party’s policies as they tighten their one-party rule.

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