The Future Challenges essay series, a collaborative effort of Hoover’s Koret-Taube Task Force on National Security and Law, is an online volume that explores a variety of emerging national security and law challenges, including the crafting of rules for the detention of unlawful enemy combatants, the proper orientation for the United States toward the International Criminal Court, the deradicalization of terrorists, application of the principle of proportionality to asymmetric warfare, developments in the war-powers doctrine, cyber-warfare, the search for and regulation of weapons of mass destruction, and the reform of Congressional oversight of intelligence. Essays will be posted to the task force website upon completion.
Peter Berkowitz: Introduction
Benjamin Wittes: Obfuscation and Candor
Tod Lindberg: A Way Forward with the International Criminal Court
Jessica Stern: Deradicalization or Disengagement of Terrorists
Philip Bobbitt: The Power to Make War in an Age of Global Terror
Matthew Waxman: Self-Defense & Limits of WMD Intelligence
Jack Goldsmith: Cybersecurity Treaties: A Skeptical View
Kenneth Anderson: Targeted Killing and Drone Warfare: How We Came to Debate Whether There Is a “Legal Geography of War”
Amy Zegart: The Roots of Weak Congressional Intelligence Oversight