David Brady argues this election could be 2004 all over again. Mo Fiorina disagrees, making the case that 1980 could be the better comparison. Listen to the scholars' conversation - and get an unconventional assessment of Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter's 1980 candidacies - in this podcast from the Hoover Institution's 2012 In Perspective series.

In this podcast, three of Hoover's political scholars, David Brady, Morris Fiorina, and Tammy Frisby, discuss the two weeks down and the six months to go in the General election. Campaign issues - including the politics and policy of the President's announcement on gay marriage, personal qualities of the candidates, and campaign strategy are the topics at hand. And Tammy Frisby and Morris Fiorina conclude with some thoughts on keeping the horse race in perspective.

Click the "play" button below to listen to the podcast.

[audio src="/wp-content/audio/2012InPerspective3.mp3"]

(Duration: 21:23)

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