China’s Invloed op Onderwijs in Netherland [China’s Influence on Education in the Netherlands]
by Ingrid d’Hooghe and Brigitte Dekker
via Clingendael on July 3, 2020 

Special Report: Australia faces down China in high-stakes strategy
by Kristy Needham
via Reuters on September 4, 2020 

Official Chinese TV Network Offers Advice On Educating Children About Racism, Chimes In On America's Race Debate: Being 'Not Racist' Is Not Enough; You Should Be Anti-Racist
via MEMRI on September 9, 2020 

How China Ramped Up Disinformation Efforts During the Pandemic
by Joshua Kurlantzick
via Council on Foreign Relations on September 10, 2020 

TikTok and WeChat: Curating and controlling global information flows
by Fergus Ryan, Audret Fritz and Daria Impiombato
via Australian Strategic Policy Institute on September 8, 2020 

Is China Behind a Recent Insurgent Attack in India’s Northeast?
by Avinash Paliwal
via The Diplomat on September 1, 2020 

FBI Sweep of China Researchers Leads to Cat-and-Mouse Tactics (subscription required)
by Kate O’Keeffe and Aruna Viswanatha
via Wall Street Journal on September 7, 2020 

Corrupting the College Board: Confucius Institutes and K-12 Education
by Rachelle Peterson
via National Association of Scholars on September 10, 2020

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