ARTICLEs that illuminate the lack of personal freedom and political liberty under the Chinese Communist Party.


VIDEO – China, Hong Kong, and the Future of Freedom: Director Condoleezza Rice and Lord Chris Patten
by Condoleezza Rice, Chris Patten and Larry Diamond
via Hoover Institution on September 23, 2020

Hong Kong protests: police ban anti-government march planned for National Day by Civil Human Rights Front
by Tony Cheung
via South China Morning Post on September 25, 2020

Oxford moves to protect students from China's Hong Kong security law
by Patrick Wintour
via The Guardian on September 28, 2020

Beijing blocked Wikimedia from a UN agency because of ‘Taiwan-related issues’
by Mary Hui
via Quartz on September 25, 2020

The China Deep Dive: A Report on the Intelligence Community’s Capabilities and Competencies with Respect to the People’s Republic of China
by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
via U.S. House of Representatives on September 29, 2020

Calling for “reciprocity” is not making China or the West happier
via The Economist on September 24, 2020

Wuhan Covid journalist missing since February found, says friend
by Helen Davidson
via The Guardian on September 24, 2020

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