It’s not all on Trump: China favors confrontation with the U.S. (subscription required)
by John Pomfret
via The Washington Post on December 18, 2019

Europe’s Daryl Morey Moment (subscription required)
by The Editorial Board
via Wall Street Journal on December 15, 2019

Opinion: Unlike Ukraine, Trump’s China deal actually takes American interests into account
by Jon Healey
via Los Angeles Times on December 13, 2019

Trump’s Trade Secret: Exploiting China’s Relative Weakness (subscription required)
by John Lee
via Wall Street Journal on December 15, 2019

The Age of Great-Power Competition (subscription required)
by Elbridge Colby and A. Wess Mitchell
via Foreign Affairs on January/February 2020

Winning the 5G Fight
by Tim Morrison
via RealClearDefense on December 19, 2019

The Chinese threat to U.S. research institutions is real (subscription required)
by Josh Rogin
via The Washington Post on December 19, 2019

Communism is not what worries the world about China’s Communist Party (subscription required)
via The Economist on December 18, 2019

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