How China Built a Twitter Propaganda Machine Then Let It Loose on Coronavirus
by Jeff Kao and Mia Shuang Li
via ProPublica on March 26, 2020

As U.S. Injustices Rage, China’s Condemnation Reeks of Cynicism
by Ho-Fung Hung
via Foreign Policy on June 5, 2020

Security News This Week: China and Iran Tried to Hack the Biden and Trump Campaigns
by Andy Greenberg and Lily Hay Newman
via Wired on June 6, 2020

HSBC warns Downing Street on Chinese reprisals over Huawei
by Christopher Williams, Lucy Burton and Edward Malnick
via The Telegraph on June 6, 2020

Inside the pro-China network targeting the US, Hong Kong and an exiled tycoon
by Benjamin Strick, Olga Robinson and Shayan Sardarizadeh
via BBC on May 28, 2020

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