Rules Based Audio: Richard McGregor on the backlash against Xi Jinping
by Kelsey Munro
via Lowy Institute on July 16, 2019

China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia: Its financial markets may be even more dangerous than its wildlife markets
by Walter Russell Mead
via Wall Street Journal on February 3, 2020

We Didn’t Free Britain From Brussels Only to Bow Before Beijing.  Conservatives Must Rebel Over Huawei
by Nigel Farage
via Newsweek on February 22, 2020

Coronavirus' greatest impact reveals U.S. and West can thrive without the Chinese Communist Party
by Bernard Moreland
via Washington Times on February 15, 2020

Canberra Wolverines fighting the reds (subscription required)
by Ellen Whinnett
via Herald Sun on February 19, 2020

Domestic vulnerabilities lie behind China’s aggressive expansion
by Philip Citowicki
via The Interpreter on February 14, 2020

5G: The New Battle of Britain
by Arthur Herman
via Forbes on February 18, 2020

China’s Façade of Stability: Recent stresses have exposed the lack of trust at the core of Beijing’s repressive model (subscription required)
by Jimmy Lai
via Wall Street Journal on February 19, 2020

I Cannot Remain Silent:’ A brave voice in China cries out about the regime’s mishandling of the coronavirus
by Nicholas Kristof
via The New York Times on February 15, 2020

The Nigel Farage Show: Interview with Bob Seely, MP on Huawei and 5G
via LBC on February 16, 2020

The Nigel Farage Show: Huawei and 5G
via LBC on February 17, 2020

America being sold to China
by Tucker Carlson
via Fox News on February 19, 2020

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