Californians are getting two images of Republican Senate hopeful when it comes to taxes.

There’s Terrible Tom, the guy who wants to tax you in the ground.

Or so goes the attack from the American Future Fund, an Iowa-based conservative group that’s spending $1 million for a week’s worth on cable-tv ads denouncing Campbell’s “20-year record of higher taxes and spending”.

That’s the same AFF that went after the Obama Administration and its friends in Congress on health care reform.

The same AFF that may want to get a good lawyer, as the anti-Campbell ad uses the Beatles’ “Tax Man” — a no-no, as far as copyrighted music’s concerned.

For the record, it marks the second time in the Senate primary that  a conservative 501(c)(4) has gone postal — er, video – against Campbell.

The National Organization for Marriage also ran a tv ad last month suggesting Campbell’s no different from Barbara Boxer, given his support of same-sex marriage.

Meanwhile, there Transparent Tom, who handed over his tax returns to the San Jose Mercury News and challenged his rivals to follow his lead.

Continue reading on Bill Whalen’s blog Politi-Cal…

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