Two days before the April 15 deadline, California’s Franchise Tax Board has produced a list of the Golden State’s leading tax delinquents.

The name that’s getting all the attention, among the 250 people and businesses who owe the state at least $100,000: “Baywatch” alumna and current “Dancing With The Stars” participant Pamela Anderson (he said, resisting all temptation to post a photo of her in that red swimsuit).

State records show a tax lien for $493,144 was filed against Ms. Anderson in April of last year.

The name that caught my eye, however, was the fifth person on the list — one Kevin D. Mitchell of San Diego, who owes more than $5.184 million.

That’s the same Kevin Mitchell who was the 1989 National League Most Valuable Player, as a left-fielder for the San Francisco (click here for one of the greatest catches you’ll ever see by an outfielder).

Continue reading on Bill Whalen’s blog Politi-Cal

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