Please consider this a meta-post.

After completing a term as the director of the National Economic Council, what does one do next?

For Keith Hennessey, the answer is starting a blog (among other things, of course). The fellow at the Hoover Institution and lecturer at the Graduate School of Business sat down with the Review to tell us about his new venture with the Hoover Institution and about life away from the District of Columbia.

The blog is called Advancing a Free Society (AFS), and it features commentary and interviews from fellows at the Stanford-based Hoover Institution. The goal, according to Hennessey, is to “take the knowledge and expertise at Hoover and present it to the world in a way that’s relevant.”

As of now, AFS features posts from a wide set of Hoover fellows, including economists John Taylor, Gary Becker, and Ed Lazear and political commentators Victor Davis Hanson and Bill Whalen. Although Hennessey emphasized that the blog is still in an experimental phase, he described the effort now as a “collection of ideas from people with different areas of expertise and perspectives.”

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