Immediately after the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the World Knowledge Forum was launched in October 2000 after two years of preparation with the ambition to transform Korea into a knowledge driven nation. Since then, the World Knowledge Forum has taken on the role as a platform for discussions to reduce knowledge gaps through knowledge sharing, and promote balanced global economic growth and prosperity.

Marking the 19th anniversary of the World Knowledge Forum, around 200 speakers and 3,500 audiences gathered to discuss various agendas under the theme of “Collective Intelligence: Overcoming Global Pandemonium”. Hoover Senior Fellow, General H. R. McMaster, the 26th White House National Security Council (NSC) Advisor of the Trump administration was featured.

For more information on the World Knowledge Forum, click here.

Watch the Sessions


For additional information, please also read Chinese Influence & American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance, a report edited by Hoover Senior Fellow Larry Diamond.

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