“Water, water everywhere . . .”

. . . But not on the November ballot, if the Legislature follows Gov. Schwarzenegger’s lead and opts to move Proposition 18, the $11.14 billion water bond, to the 2012 cycle (it would require a 2/3 majority of the Legislature, thus creating some Sacramento pretzel logic: Democrats would be voting to table a bill they want here and now; Republicans would be voting to breathe into new life into a bill they detest).

Why the sudden move?

The Governator says it’s because the bond is too important to have its outcome affected by the stalled budget process (California’s state now officially one day overdue, having missed the pre-July deadline for getting a new spending plan in place by end of California’s 2009-10 fiscal year).

Continue reading Bill Whalen at his blog Politi-Cal

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