Facing the toughest campaign of her career, California Sen. Barbara Boxer spent the day before Good Friday working the Northern California media and making her case for a fourth sixth-year hitch in Washington.

btw: if she wins this November and completes her term through January 2017, Boxer would tie the man she replaced, the late Alan Cranston, as California’s second longest-serving senator with 24 years in the deliberative body (Cranston holding the seat from 1969-1993). One more victory after that, and she’d be closing in on Hiram Johnson’s record of 27 years (1917-1945).

a second btw: to give you an idea of Washington longevity, 24 years in the U.S. Senate doesn’t get you anywhere near the top of the list. Here’s a rundown of the top 35, three of whom now are in office.

Continue reading Bill Whalen at his blog Politi-Cal

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