Wednesday, January 15

8:50 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
  Thomas Henriksen
9:00 AM Panel I: Overview
  Charles Jones, chair
  Dong-Se Cha and Sang-Woo Nam- The Korean Economy in Transition
  Robert Hall- Overview of the U.S. Economy
10:45 PM Panel II: Business Organization and Competition Policy
  Thomas Henriksen, chair
  Seong-Min Yoo and Young-Jae Lim- Big Business in Korea: New Learning and Policy Issues
  Thomas Gale Moore- Issues in U.S. Regulatory Policy
1:00 PM Panel III: Corporate Governance
  Kenneth Judd, chair
  Young-Jae Lim and Young-Ki Lee- Corporate Governance in Korea: Issues and Prospects
  Kenneth Scott- Corporate Governance in the United States: Recent Controversies
2:45 PM Panel IV: Social Welfare
  Thomas Lemieux, chair
  Hyahoon Lee and Kye-Sik Lee- The Direction of Social Welfare Policy in Korea
  Thomas MaCurdy- Economics and Politics of Welfare Reform in the United States
7:00 PM Dinner
  John Raisian, Introduction
  Douglass North- The Process of Economic Change

Thursday, January 16

9:00 AM Panel V: Distribution of Income
  Robin Lumsdaine, chair
  Seong-Hyeon Whang and Joung-Woo Lee- The Problems of Income and Wealth Distribution: Policy Issues in Korea
  Kenneth Judd- Policy Changes in a Dynamic Open Economy
10:45 PM Panel VI: Labor and Industrial Relations
  Michael Boozer, chair
  Dae-Il Kim- Changes in the Korean Labor Market and Future Prospects
  Edward Lazear and Sherwin Rosen- The Labor Market and Incentives
1:00 PM Panel VII: Property Rights and Economic Development
  Kenneth Judd, chair
  Sung-Hee Jwa- Property Rights and Economic Development in Korea
  John Vincent Nye- Economic Institutions and Growth
2:45 PM Panel VIII: Culture and Economic Development
  Laurence Iannoccone, chair
  Dong-Se Cha and Philip Wonhyuk Lim- In Search of a New Capitalist Ethos for the Korean Economy
  Henry Rowen- Culture and East Asian Economic Growth

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