
The Hoover Institution National Security Task Force hosted a round table discussion with General James C. McConville, Chief of Staff of the US Army 

Discussants heard from the Chief of Staff on the wide-ranging issues that the United States Army is managing through its global presence in complex geopolitical environments, the maintaining of readiness and personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic, and its continued navigation of technological modernization to demonstrate taxpayer value while balancing competing budgetary interests across the US government. Participants explored the potential for enhanced capability through, and the limits of, allied relationships. Discussants emphasized the upside potential for the U.S. Army in creative thinking towards giving every American an opportunity to serve, even mid-career. There is a broad social value in offering a wider spectrum of Americans a more realistic exposure to the U.S. military, its needs, its people, and its mission—and in making internal reforms that could make military service more relevant, and flexible, to civilians in the private sector, especially those in technological and scientific fields.

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