Thursday, October 31

8:15 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:55 A.M. Introduction
JOHN RAISIAN, Hoover Institution
9:00 A.M. Opening Remarks
LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
CHIH-CHENG LO, INPR & Soochow University
9:15 A.M. Crafting Political Institutions
JIH-WEN LIN, Academia Sinica
Institutionalized Uncertainty and Governing Crises in Post-Hegemonic Taiwan
YUN-HAN CHU, Academia Sinica & Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Appointing the Prime Minister: President vs. Parliament (Paper by Yu-shan Wu)
     CHAIR: LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
     DISCUSSANTS: MICHAEL MCFAUL, Hoover Institution
               SHIOW-DUAN HAWANG, Soochow University
11:00 A.M. Break
11:15 A.M. Changing State-Society Relations
YUN FAN, Academia Sinica
The Realignment of State-Society Relations in the Post-KMT Era
     CHAIR: LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
12:00 P.M. Lunch in Hatfield Court
1:30 P.M. Political Parties in Transition
TUN-JEN CHENG, College of William and Mary
Embracing Defeat: the KMT and the PRI After 2000
SHELLEY RIGGER, Davidson College
The Transformation of the DPP
     CHAIR: YUN-HAN CHU, Academia Sinica & Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
     DISCUSSANTS: RAMON MYERS, Hoover Institution
               CHAPPELL LAWSON, Hoover Institution
3:00 P.M. Break
3:30 P.M. The Challenge of Governing in a Post-Hegemonic Era
YUNG-MING HSU, National Chung-cheng University
The Politics of Party Realignment and Coalition-Building
SHIOW-DUAN HAWANG, Soochow University
The New Parameters of Legislative Politics
     CHAIR: CHIH-CHENG LO, INPR & Soochow University
     DISCUSSANT: LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
5:00 P.M. Conference Adjourns


Friday, November 1

8:30 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 A.M. Strengthening the Rule of Law
WEN-CHEN CHANG, Soochow University
Judicial Empowerment: The Changing Role of the Council of Grand Justices
CHIH-CHENG LO, INPR & Soochow University
Institutionalizing Horizontal Accountability: The Fight against “Black Gold”
     CHAIR: LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
     DISCUSSANTS: YUN-HAN CHU, National Taiwan University
               MARIANO-FLORENTINO CUELLAR, Stanford University
10:30 A.M. Break
11:00 A.M. The Economic Challenge
PEI-SHAN LEE, National Chung Cheng University
Democratization and the Demise of the Developmental State
CHENGTIAN KUO, National Chengchi University
The Transformation of Crony Capitalism: The Mixed Reforms of the Financial Institutions
     CHAIR: RAMON MYERS, Hoover Institution
     DISCUSSANTS: LAWRENCE J. LAU, Hoover Institution
               T.J. CHENG, College of William and Mary
12:30 P.M. Lunch in Hatfield Court
2:00 P.M. The National Security Dimension
TAYLOR FRAVEL, Stanford University
Civil Military Relations and the Consolidation of Taiwan’s Democracy
DANIEL LYNCH, University of Southern California
Cross-Strait Interdependence and Taiwan ‘s Democratic Consolidation
     CHAIR: YUN-HAN CHU, National Taiwan University
     DISCUSSANTS: JING HUANG, Utah State University & Stanford University
               LITAI XUE, Stanford University
3:30 P.M. Break
3:45 P.M. Is Democracy in Taiwan Consolidating?
Evidence from Public Opinion
4:45 P.M. Conference Concludes

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