
Many have questioned the impact of new communication technologies on elections, but after the election, one must still govern. And taking advantage of the opportunities afforded by an emerging new world heightens the importance of good US political leadership. But the expanding use of social media and the advent of artificial intelligence and other new technologies are making day-to-day governance even more complicated. Drawing from their experiences in government, journalism, and policy, the panelists will discuss how these social and political dynamics have changed how governments operate and how these new tools can be harnessed to improve the quality of governance in America.

The Hoover Institution hosts a public panel discussion "Governing in an Emerging New World" on Monday, October 7, 2019 from 4:00pm - 5:15pm PST. The event will be livestreamed and can be viewed below.

Moderator: Jim Hoagland, Hoover Institution


  1. Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco and speaker of the California State Assembly
  2. Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida
  3. Karen Tumulty, The Washington Post
  4. Dan Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
  5. Chris DeMuth, The Hudson Institute
  6. Amanda Daflos, chief innovation officer for the mayor of Los Angeles

This event is open to the general public and part of a series led by George P. Shultz whose intention is to learn from our changing world, to map our governance options in response, and to help structure a variety of efforts going forward. 

To find out more about this lecture series, click here.


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