The Hoover Institution hosts the Inaugural Conference Of The Working Group on the Foundations of Long-run Prosperity on June 2–3, 2022

Understanding how and why economies prosper, stagnate, or wither is a question of first-order importance, but our knowledge about the process of economic growth is surprisingly thin. Indeed, if growth was well understood as a scholarly matter, policies based on theory and empirics would have produced convergence in levels of economic development across countries, rather than divergence. The inaugural conference of the Working Group on the Foundations of Long-Run Prosperity provides an opportunity to evaluate socially useful research that leverages recent advances in several fields of scholarship, and to analyze the implications that may be drawn from those research results for academic and policy-focused audiences.

Thursday, June 2
Time Content Presenters/panelists Discussant/CHAIR

8:30 AM




9:00 AM

Welcome: Stephen Haber, Hoover Institution & Stanford University



9:15 AM

“The End of Economic Growth? Unintended Consequences of a Declining Population” by Chad Jones

Presenter: Chad Jones, Stanford University

Discussant: Ian Morris, Stanford University

Discussant: Samuel Kortum, Yale University

Chair: Amit Seru, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

10:30 am




11:00 AM

“The Ecological Origins of Economic and Political Systems” by Stephen Haber, Roy Elis, and Jordan Horrillo

Presenter: Stephen Haber, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

Presenter: Jordan Horrillo, Stanford University

Discussant: Steven Davis, University of Chicago

Discussant: Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago

Chair: Daniel Kessler, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

12:15 PM




1:15 PM

“The Economic Effects of the English Parliamentary Enclosures” by Leander Heldring, James Robinson, and Sebastian Vollmer

Presenter: James Robinson, University of Chicago 

Discussant: Justin Grimmer; Hoover Institution & Stanford University

Discussant: William Summerhill, UCLA

Chair: Anna Grzymala-Busse, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

2:30 PM




3:00 PM

“Paper Money In The Late Qing And Early Republic, 1820-1935” by Matthew Lowenstein

Presenter: Matthew Lowenstein, Hoover Institution

Discussant: Ross Levine, UC Berkeley

Discussant: Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago

Chair: Avidit Acharya, Stanford University

4:15 PM

Conclusion of June 2nd program



6:00 PM




Friday, June 3
Time Content Presenters/panelists Discussant/CHAIR

8:30 AM




9:00 AM

“The Rise of the Engineer: Inventing the Professional Inventor During the Industrial Revolution” by W. Walker Hanlon

Presenter: W. Walker Hanlon, Northwestern University

Discussant: Vicky Fouka, Stanford University

Discussant: Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Caltech

Chair: Josiah Ober, Stanford University

10:15 am




10:45 am

“Did Railways Affect Literacy? Evidence from India” by Latika Chaudhary and James Fenske

Presenter: Latika Chaudhary, Naval Postgraduate School

Discussant: Alex Galetovic, Hoover Institution & Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Discussant: Amit Seru, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

Chair: Dorothy Kronick, University of Pennsylvania

12:00 pm

Lunch - Discussion: Lessons Learned and New Questions



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