8:00 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 A.M. Introduction and Welcoming Remarks
LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
8:45 A.M. Panel I: The Current Political Landscape in Iran
ALI M. ANSARI, University of Durham
“Regime Change From Within?”
DISCUSSANTS: HALEH ESFANDIARI, Woodrow Wilson International Center
NAYEREH TOHIDI, California State University, Northridge
CHAIR: ABBAS MILANI, Hoover Institution
10:15 A.M. Break
10:45 A.M. Panel II: Religion and Politics
ABDULKARIM SOROUSH, Princeton University
“Islam and Democracy”
FOROUGH JAHANBAKSH, Queen’s University
ABBAS MILANI, Hoover Institution
CHAIR: LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
12:00 NOON Lunch in the Staff Lounge and Hatfield Court
1:00 P.M. Dessert Reception in the Herbert Hoover Exhibit Pavilion
“Creating an Islamic Republic: Iranian Collections from the Hoover Library and Archives”
1:30 P.M. Panel III: The Judicial System and the Rule of Law in Iran
ABDULKARIM LAHIJI, human rights lawyer, Paris
“Democracy, Human Rights, and the Iranian Legal System”
MEHRANGIZ KAR, University of Virginia
CHAIR: MICHAEL MCFAUL, Hoover Institution
2:30 P.M. Panel IV: The Nuclear Question
MOHSEN MASSERAT, University of Osnabruek
“Iran’s Energy Policy and the Economics of Nuclear Energy”
DISCUSSANT: NAJMEDDIN MESHKATI, University of Southern California
CHAIR: MICHAEL MCFAUL, Hoover Institution
3:30 P.M. Break
4:00 P.M. Roundtable Discussion: U.S.-Iran Relations
HORMOZ HEKMAT, Editor of Irannameh
MICHAEL MCFAUL, Hoover Institution
ABBAS MILANI, Hoover Institution
     CHAIR: LARRY DIAMOND, Hoover Institution
5:15 P.M. Conference Concludes

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